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שיעורי תורה - הרצאות - דרשות להורדה
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - Sunday morning, parashat vayetze, Frugality, 2010. - parshat vayetze, Frugality, Sufficiency, Happy in his part
Sunday morning, parashat vayetze, Frugality, 2010.
views: 1704 | Before 13 Years | Uploaded on: 1th Kislev 5772
To view the Torah lecture "Sunday morning, parashat vayetze, Frugality, 2010." at HD quality click here
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - Monday night, parashat chayei sarah, Strengthening of prayer, 2010. - parshat chayei sarah, Strength, pray, tefilah
Monday night, parashat chayei sarah, Strengthening of prayer, 2010.
views: 840 | Before 13 Years | Uploaded on: 17th Cheshvan 5772
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - sunday night, parashat chayei sarah, And the life of Sarah, 2010. - parshat chayie sarah, life of Sarah, strenghth
sunday night, parashat chayei sarah, And the life of Sarah, 2010.
views: 1907 | Before 13 Years | Uploaded on: 17th Cheshvan 5772
To view the Torah lecture "sunday night, parashat chayei sarah, And the life of Sarah, 2010." at HD quality click here

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