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שיעורי תורה - הרצאות - דרשות להורדה
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - Daily Likuei Muharan - Torah 1 Lesson 1, Sunday Av 7th 5773 - Ashrei, Likutei Muharan, Likutei Moharan, Rabbi Yossef Shubeli, Rabbi Nachman of Breslev, Rabi Nachman, Breslov, Raba Bar Bar Chana, Raba Bar Bar Hana
Daily Likuei Muharan - Torah 1 Lesson 1, Sunday Av 7th 5773
views: 599 | Before 11 Years | Uploaded on: 7th Av 5773
downloads - download the torah lesson - lectures
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - Parashat Shelach, Longing and Wishing Will Win All, 5769 - Parashat Shelach Lecha, Rabi Nachman of Breslov, Breslev, Rabbi Nachman of Uman
Parashat Shelach, Longing and Wishing Will Win All, 5769
views: 543 | Before 11 Years | Uploaded on: 25th Sivan 5773
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - Parashat Behar, Filling the Holes, 5763 - Parashat Behar, Prayer, Fulfill the disadvantage, Faith, Strenght, Breslev
Parashat Behar, Filling the Holes, 5763
views: 592 | Before 11 Years | Uploaded on: 25th Iyar 5773
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - Parashat Ki Tisa, I Became Stillness, 5765 - Parashat Ki Tisa, Rabbi Nathan of Breslev, Likutei Halachot, Rabi Natan, Hitbodedut
Parashat Ki Tisa, I Became Stillness, 5765
views: 646 | Before 11 Years | Uploaded on: 15th Adar 5773
downloads - download the torah lesson - lectures
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - Parashat Yitro, Promo - Being Happy and Thankfull , 5765 - Parashat Yitro , Happiness , Tshuva , Rabbi Nachman of Breslev ,
Parashat Yitro, Promo - Being Happy and Thankfull , 5765
views: 668 | Before 11 Years | Uploaded on: 21th Shevat 5773
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - Parashat Yitro, Hashem is Hidden in the Disorders - Parashat Yitro, Likutey Moharan, Likutey Muharan, Rabbi Nachman of Breslev, Breslov, Chizuk
Parashat Yitro, Hashem is Hidden in the Disorders
views: 604 | Before 12 Years | Uploaded on: 19th Shevat 5773
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - Parashat Yitro, Being Happy and Thankfull , 5765 - Parashat Yitro, Happiness, Tshuva, Rabbi Nachman of Breslev
Parashat Yitro, Being Happy and Thankfull , 5765
views: 683 | Before 12 Years | Uploaded on: 17th Shevat 5773
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - Parashat Vaera, The Operating Power in the Passive, 5764 - Parashat Vaera, Likutei Moharan, Rabbi Nachman, Breslev
Parashat Vaera, The Operating Power in the Passive, 5764
views: 542 | Before 12 Years | Uploaded on: 3th Shevat 5773
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - Parashat Toldot, The King´s Son and the Maid´s Son Who Were Exchanged, 5764 - Parashat Toldot, Rabbi Nachman of Breslev, The King Son, Story Tales of Ancient Times, Rabbi Yossef Shubeli, Chassidic Story
Parashat Toldot, The King´s Son and the Maid´s Son Who Were Exchanged, 5764
views: 669 | Before 12 Years | Uploaded on: 11th Kislev 5773
Rabbi Yossef Shubeli - lectures - torah lesson - Parashat Chayey Sarah, Heaven´s Door is The Light of The Tzadik, 5764 - Parashat Chayey Sarah, Tzadikim, Tzaddikim, Heaven´s Door, Likutey Muharan, Abraham, Avraham, Cave of Machpelah, Rabi Nachman of Breslev
Parashat Chayey Sarah, Heaven´s Door is The Light of The Tzadik, 5764
views: 676 | Before 12 Years | Uploaded on: 5th Kislev 5773

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